This all happened last summer. It was about 6 months I was very tied to my friend Melissa. At the beginning it was nothing, just small things trivial : She would often sleep at my house on weekends and when we would watch porn movies emsemble. We stick our contention against each other and while Mentouri one arm (she took the opportunity to subtly caress my breasts) j'entrelacais my legs with hers and I enjoy exercising slight pressure "accidental" that gave him chills. Then came the moment when we were amused to sleep together without clothes. We have pursued the same games without ever honestly admit our attraction. I fantasized about this body so similar to mine. I felt her breasts exitant young and firm and its thin and sleek silhouette. I masturbated often as she sleeping, feeling the hair on her pussy against my buttocks.
this summer so we're all on holiday with his parents go camping. We shared a tiny tent while his parents slept in a caravan. After a quiet evening we decided to go to bed. As usual we put naked and we stretched very close to one another given the limited space we had. Within minutes Melanie wonder if I would "cap" to kiss her. I seized the opportunity and crushed my lips on hers. I feel his tongue aside as I open my lips instinctively to let his tongue penetrate clever and delicious in my mouth. It gives me a new sensation. His tongue plays with mine in a divine way. I feel her warm breath mingle with mine. She puts her hands on my neck and held my head firmly.
Continues the story ...
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