Adventure aboard the Thalys
pussyfiddler sent me the full story:
Wharf station Berchem ...
9340 Thalys train from 2:57 p.m. to Paris Gare du Nord.
You are already installed in first class and have submitted your bag on the seat in front of you thinking you're alone ...
I run, I jump on the train when the doors close ... and head towards you ...
- Excuse me, but I think your bag takes my place.
- Oh, but it's my excuse, you say, I'll put in the luggage rack above the seats.
- I'll help you. You're
lifted but I had already taken your bag. Our hands met on the handle of the bag. Your hand was as hot as mine was cool. The train had just left and crossing points, we were rushed and I found myself up against you. Then I could smell your scent and also your body. I put my hand on your hip to hold me and then you felt like an electric shock. You've abandoned your bag then I mounted as if it were a feather. We settled and you took a magazine, have a capacity for more than envy I read it seemed. I pulled out my computer and started working. I felt you watching me on the sly.
At one point I looked up and I met your gaze. You felt like a little girl caught in the act and have piqued an eye before looking down.
- Do you know what I'm writing? I tell you then.
- Why are you asking me this question? Have you responded.
- Because it affects you ... do I answer a bit peremptory
- What do you mean I care? you have responded a bit irritated but both intrigued ...
- Yes, I am now start writing what will happen to us on this train.
- ...?
- I really felt that you were saying, moved, when I helped you build your suitcase earlier. So it will be something going, an adventure and short-lived among us. Something violent and passionate. Do not you feel?
I think as well knew what I was referring to and your eyes like a flash of fire did not leave mine pretending to read any of my thoughts.
You were bare-legged with a skirt short enough portfolio, a transparent white blouse which left guessing your bra in lace. You wear DimUp who stopped in the upper thigh and a thong lace (for once!) match your bras. In my eyes
I hoped to put the fire in your string, you throw a real ball of heat that is come down in your belly.
You know what to say, what to do, and completely lost my sight was going to pierce you.
- Close your eyes and let yourself go, I tell you!
Always installed in front of you in this car is almost empty. You closed your eyes and no longer moved. And, my foot which kept your knees. Your first instinct was to shake the knees and reopen eyes. Again my eyes, my smile again ...
- Let yourself go, we are almost alone in this car. Lose yourself, I'm not a pervert or a satyr. Close your pretty eyes ...
Inspired by my voice, you closed your eyes. My foot became more insistent and you have removed your knees slightly. <
My foot continued its upward trend, you feel the heat inside of your thighs, first on the bottom and on bare skin. It happened to your pants and you feel your cons
vulva which I leaned gently. I remained motionless, just put your privacy. Your breathing has made shorter, I felt you surrender.
Then my foot moved, and my big toe that became more accurate and your big lips parted and my toe found your clitoris may be a bit random because I doubt one foot is sensitive enough to find a button that small. Still, I was beginning to move up and down and your sex became a fountain. Your cum drenched panties and your ... my wet sock.
You feel pleasure sweep you and you bit my lip so as not to appear too loudly. I felt your orgasm mounted ... hummmm you to remember screams ... your thighs twitched at once on my foot ...
- Control of tickets please.
is the controller that passed in our car. You seemed lost even within the scope of the orgasm you had pierced a few minutes earlier. When you opened your eyes, the controller was in the aisle and his eyes were resting on your legs. You had slipped on the edge of the chair, and your skirt was rising and we could see the darker edging your DimUp.
You had your legs open and my foot still between your legs, put on your gender.
- Mademoiselle I think the controller asks for your post ... I said amused.
I had already stretched the mine and the controller had made two small holes regulatory always staring at your crotch, as if hypnotized. Finally you managed to grab the bag and pull out your ticket and a hand trembling like a leaf that you tended to the controller. You were as red as a peony. Two small holes, a good journey, ladies and gentlemen, the controller moved away after giving me a wink supported.
- Come, follow me ... I've looked forward
- Where are we going?
- Follow me, do not be afraid.
I removed my foot between your thigh, put my shoes and you've reached out.
After adjusting your skirt, you take the hand I held out. We crossed the wagon and we went into the toilet. This is a small toilet THALYS! I closed the door and I'm leaning against your back to the door. Then I've pressed against my back too. Making you feel my hump sex against your buttocks. I think you were at that time ready to accept anything, as in a trance. After opening
the folds of your jacket I started to unbutton your blouse, slowly without rushing, my right hand on your belly you plating against me. You then put your arms behind you and grabbed my ass, urging me even more against you. Your big bust that was
out your chest, head thrown back on my shoulder, totally abandoned.
I dropped your bra revealing your breasts with dark areolas and nipples already erect. I took in my hands and started to go then I rolled the ends between my fingers, very Gently, gently. Your new stomach demanded hugs because you took my right hand and have put on your pubis through the skirt. I then reassembled your skirt on your waist and your uncovering DimUp
lace thong. You then fondle her breasts with both hands while my hand down on your belly, coming into your panties and reached your pubic hairless.
I then lower your panties to mid-thigh to be more comfortable. Your bare bottom in direct contact with my pants. My sex
finding its place in the crease of your buttocks.
My fingers spread your lips and are introduced without difficulty in your vagina. First a finger then two and finally three broke into your vagina to search for your enjoyment.
At one time, you opened my eyes and I saw you look in the little mirror above the sink, asking if it was you pressed against the bourgeois young man who searched you, blouse open, the bra down, lift the skirt and panties to mid-thigh. Legs spread apart, abandoned to the pleasure of the senses ... yes, it was you! My fingers were soaked
out of your vagina and your clitoris had landed on completely built. I especially like caress this, find the appropriate rhythm. Your pond started waving at the same pace and again, the pleasure you invaded. Your hands still caressing your breasts, a powerful orgasm is mounted on your kidneys. You cried ...
It was then that blows were struck at the door but we were not ready to release the location and the visitors to depart by the end ...
A little stunned, you you're sitting on the toilet.
- Ca va? you do I asked.
- Yes, I think, well, I do not know. It was so loud. But what happens?
- I think you wanted an adventure. Perhaps it was a fantasy that you want to achieve. In any case, it was for me. Always
this look, always that smile, that voice still hot.
- Get close! Have you ordered.
I approached, oh not much, it's really the tiny bathroom of a Thalys ... you were still sitting on the toilet, the bra fell but the pants back up. You undid my belt, undoes the button and dropped my fly, my pants fell to my feet discovering a boxer you are eager to fall ... You have discovered my sex, in full erection. You took your hands in uncovering the glans gorged with blood. You started masturbating me, eye to eye until I close them abandoning me in my turn to pleasure. My hands came to rest on your neck, and then I felt your tongue through my gender, to dwell on my glans with the tip of your tongue. You are gently lowered onto the shaft, covering it with kisses. You took my testicles turn in your mouth and are still ascending the shaft, covering it with kisses. Income to the glans, you've covered in spit before taking it fully into your mouth. You then slowly slid your right hand between my thighs and have tickled my anus with your finger. My sex
entirely in your mouth and you began to come and go, masturbating my shaft of your second hand free. I gave myself entirely to your fellatio. You continued, pushing my cock further and further into your throat, making me the pleasure I had given you in your stroking. You wet your middle finger with cum, which continued to flow from your sex slowly, you began to penetrate my anus, after a little resistance, I let myself go, my cock was hard again, I felt I went to ejaculate soon. You continued to penetrate my anus up tickled my prostate.
I was now planted at the back of your throat and I felt that I had my hands have pressed harder on your neck ... without resistance on your part as if for anything you meant that I ejaculates on the other hand deep down your throat ... feel my semen flooding your mouth and drink my liquor to the last drop ... I then pour into you, deep in your throat, my cock throbbed and I was the impression that I never stopped to enjoy. My sphincter is pressed and loosened around your finger along the jets of semen came into your throat.
I again pressed back against the door, breathless, looking haggard, his pants still down on my ankles. You're up and you're coming back against me ... You took my head in your hands and kissed me full on the mouth, passionately. During this long fiery kiss, you had a moment my cock in your hands tired, the other stroking my buttocks ... helping her regain strength and I felt back between my legs.
- It's alright, not too tired, we sit back ? Me ... you started, ironic and seductive ... I've
then pressed against the door, got down to completely remove your panties. the skirt was still rising around the waist. In getting up, I introduced kisses throughout your calves and your knees, your thighs. And myself at length about your sex, kissing, the snapping, licking, nibbling on the searching nimbly. You turned to apply the same sanction to your rose petal, spreading your buttocks my two firm hands, rocking you back to your kidneys ... hummmm ... I
band still writing it ...
Then I've got rid of your skirt and the jacket, I also removed your blouse and your bra undone. You were now virtually bare before me, dressed as your DimUp and your heels. I am a bit down and you looking to send him aside:
- You are really beautiful and I envy you. I'll take you. What you said staring into his eyes, a lock of hair barely covering the embers of these two gems:
- Come to me, so I feel like I want to feel in my belly.
I finished undressing. We were both naked in this little space. I came back to me pressed against you, you were back at the door. I took you by the waist and my right hand was placed inside of your thighs up to your kitty. You were still wet, a fountain and my fingers have encountered no difficulty to invade your cave. I stroked your clit a little, you had your hands tied behind my back holding me tight against you. I then put my arm under your left leg and then I've raised and bent knees have approached my cock at the entrance of your thrust is one that I have penetrated ... far ... I filled out your cave, really well proportioned to my sex. Once firmly planted on my cock you move your other leg to tie it with another one in my back. My arms slid behind your back, still leaning against the door, to support you.
In the small mirror, I saw your legs sheathed in nylon and your heels like an insect pinned to a board. I was raising
effortlessly, and stayed motionless for a moment before beginning a slow back and forth powerful jerk. I love these penetrations
slow or I feel the friction of my cock on the mucous membranes of my partner. Like This way of owning. And slowly, the pleasure is again mounted in you, me, us invading, making me shiver. I've felt on the verge of explosion and I still slowed my penetrations from farther and farther into your consenting sex and leaving almost completely before going back even further. You were torn by my sex and my body ... The fun has arrived, strong, very strong, you could not hold you to scream and your body began to tremble ...
You untied my legs back to stand down.
I retired, sex still erect. You were trembling all over and if I did not see you successful, I think you'd fallen.
- Ca va? ... Did I this time launched the envious eye ...
- Yes, I think it goes ... But you do not take any pleasure, you answered me.
- Yes, I am successful, I wanted to be sure to give you more fun before making mine. But I'll still take you from behind and this time if you agree ... I've tried ...
- Yes, I feel like ... you've answered almost immediately pleading
... You're so pressed with both hands on the toilet seat. Introducing me Always with your rump DimUp and heels. In this position, you are infinitely desirable! I came behind you, coiling my sex against your butt and your breasts have grabbed with both hands. Caressing them with more force.
- Come, take me .. me you begged Suiting the action to the word, you took my cock in hand and have introduced into your vagina. I walked slowly but the bottom and I stopped moving. You turned your head to see what I was looking for ... my hand your love juice on your thighs ... then my thumb I gently massaged your little hole.
I started the operation several times until it is well lubricated and then I started to penetrate with my thumb, my cock still stuck at the bottom of your. My thumb came slowly but surely, sex and finger inside of you, if any voluptuous sensation.
I replaced my thumb in my major and am going further in your foundation. I was small rotational movements to relax your sphincter. I took out my middle finger and replaced it with two fingers. Always this slow penetration, but far in you and always these rotational movements. You do not move, this whole feeling of being taken by both holes at once. A third finger came to join the first two and now I feel your anus sufficiently distended. I withdrew my fingers from your behind, I'm glued to your back, have resumed your breasts in my hands and whispered in your ear I:
- Now nice little bourgeois, I will withdraw from your vagina and I 'll sodomize. Your anus is hot enough and I'm sure you expect that. Am I not right?
- Yes, I want to sodomy, I want to feel in my ass, take me. I want to feel your semen flood my ass. Come! ... You have released, supplicant and dripping ... I then removed slowly, and it is with a slight sucking sound as our sexes are separated. Immediately after, my penis supported on your washer and penetrated with one little push. I stayed like that without moving with just the glans engaged.
- It's alright, I will not do you wrong?
- No, come slowly, I want to take this penetration. Take your time, I want you to take great pleasure in owning this way.
I then started to grow slowly and my cock fully in you. My testicles up against your labia. You looked good, a feeling of fullness you had invaded. Hands on your hips, you were my thing, my object of pleasure ... You had
legs spread, dripping sex hardened between his legs and ass torn by my sex who would enjoy you.
I started coming and going, coming out almost completely to better penetrate the depths of your bowels by powerful surges. My sex drive, swollen, rub inside of you, making you groan so it was good. Your legs were shaking and every little push, you respond by stretching your buttocks and digging kidneys so I could go as far as possible for my pleasure and enjoyment. My penis swelled again and I felt that my happiness was near.
- Come, come even further, take me as a female. Oh! I want to enjoy feel deep in my ass. I'll also enjoy, I feel I am, oh! As I wanted to share this pleasure with you!
- Yes, I come, join me in the fun ... did I yelled
... And I spread your ass, long cum flooding you. This triggered an extraordinary orgasm in you ... you've been making and tremors have yelled your pleasure without restraint.
Rarely will an orgasm was so powerful as a hurricane that sweeps everything in its path.
I then lay on your back and started to kiss you softly on the neck, neck to the limit of small hair and on shoulders, so round, so soft ...
I withdrew quietly, you have recovered, again, I took you in my arms and we kissed passionately.
- You are a very special lady, you gave me infinite pleasure. And yet, we'll have to separate, time passes and we will soon arrive at the Gare du Nord. Get dressed!
- Yes, you 're right, it will be time for us to part.
I'd like to see you again.
- No, I do not want to, this must remain a fond memory that should not be marred by appointment on the sly in the deception of our families. Do not spoil this episode
- is that you're right, but not without a twinge of heart I'll leave you.
You started to get dressed but when I put your panties off your gesture.
- If I could, I would like to keep as a souvenir.
You then have given me ... I put in my pocket ... I still feel at this moment writing these few lines ....
you have finished your dress after wiping your sex still wet with toilet paper.
We refreshed the face and then kissed one last time, strong, tight against each other. We left the toilet as if nothing had happened. A person who telephoned the two cars had a look all weird ...
We returned to sit more than a few moments together.
On arrival, we went down on the dock and we parted ... There ends my story ...
I imagine you walking on head down the dock and only the gentle stream of air free from your fleece pants recalling that two hours you spent together.
Your friend then came your way.
- It's alright, you have a good trip? at'il you surely asked.
- Very good, thank you, I think I slept a little ... you have it naturally responded
- You look tired!
- Yes, a bit in recent days have been difficult ... If he knew
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Doujin Pokemon On Line
stella-artois sent me earlier this story:
I'm with you, you work on your computer ... I'm coming beside you, behind. I blindfold you, then I laid my lips down your neck ... I gently nibble your ear ... then you feel my hands, my fingers slide over your body, your belly ...
My result: Your hand
grazes my neck in order to remove my hair, your warm breath touches my nerve cells when you deposit your lips moist in the palm of my neck with all the sweetness and tenderness of the world . Your lips wander down my face in my neck and my ears as you chew. I turn around. You then pass your hand in my back and attract me towards me. I feel your lips on mine land with a gentle and almost shy approach ... our lips finally coalesce. I let me, our two languages merge. You suddenly tear our breaths and kiss my ear "I want you." You utter these words without thinking, without thinking about my reaction, now you have one goal: my body, my sex, my pleasure, your pleasure, our pleasure. I gently let myself be overwhelmed by the wave of your desire. I try to approach our two mouths and caress, kiss again. My heart speeds up. I feel your hand starts to unbutton my blouse, then come on my breasts. My nipples erect t'indiquent how is my ardent desire. My breasts are hard and heavy swollen yet unfulfilled desire and asking for hugs and kisses. I beseech you tasted them for my own pleasure. You to suck, lick, chew them for a while appeasing the ball of heat that was beginning to burn my privacy. I shudder, chills run through millions of my body.
J'agrippe groping the zipper of your jeans and slides. Help me to DeGraff your belt and open your pants. I feel your cock in my hand tends to slip your cotton. I release it. It just hurt my lips. I begin to run my tongue on your glans. You grabbed my head and forces me to take you in my mouth. I start you suck. I feel pleasure in your sex drive up. J'enserre thy rod of flesh in my hand and made you move back and forth in my mouth ... You branles squarely between my lips, you used them as a receptacle to enjoy ... Your turgid glans slap the back of my throat. Your groans of pleasure announce how an explosion near ... Your pubic hair tickle my nose. Your penis in my mouth getting harder and harder ... I keep, keep my hands, my fingers, my lips on your penis which has several nervous spasms ... and I get several long and generous splashes on the palate at the back of my throat, forcing me to swallow your semen. It is slightly salty, strange, special ... I frees my mouth and you m'asperges twice more, sending me your seed on my face.
continued ...
stella-artois sent me earlier this story:
I'm with you, you work on your computer ... I'm coming beside you, behind. I blindfold you, then I laid my lips down your neck ... I gently nibble your ear ... then you feel my hands, my fingers slide over your body, your belly ...
My result: Your hand
grazes my neck in order to remove my hair, your warm breath touches my nerve cells when you deposit your lips moist in the palm of my neck with all the sweetness and tenderness of the world . Your lips wander down my face in my neck and my ears as you chew. I turn around. You then pass your hand in my back and attract me towards me. I feel your lips on mine land with a gentle and almost shy approach ... our lips finally coalesce. I let me, our two languages merge. You suddenly tear our breaths and kiss my ear "I want you." You utter these words without thinking, without thinking about my reaction, now you have one goal: my body, my sex, my pleasure, your pleasure, our pleasure. I gently let myself be overwhelmed by the wave of your desire. I try to approach our two mouths and caress, kiss again. My heart speeds up. I feel your hand starts to unbutton my blouse, then come on my breasts. My nipples erect t'indiquent how is my ardent desire. My breasts are hard and heavy swollen yet unfulfilled desire and asking for hugs and kisses. I beseech you tasted them for my own pleasure. You to suck, lick, chew them for a while appeasing the ball of heat that was beginning to burn my privacy. I shudder, chills run through millions of my body.
J'agrippe groping the zipper of your jeans and slides. Help me to DeGraff your belt and open your pants. I feel your cock in my hand tends to slip your cotton. I release it. It just hurt my lips. I begin to run my tongue on your glans. You grabbed my head and forces me to take you in my mouth. I start you suck. I feel pleasure in your sex drive up. J'enserre thy rod of flesh in my hand and made you move back and forth in my mouth ... You branles squarely between my lips, you used them as a receptacle to enjoy ... Your turgid glans slap the back of my throat. Your groans of pleasure announce how an explosion near ... Your pubic hair tickle my nose. Your penis in my mouth getting harder and harder ... I keep, keep my hands, my fingers, my lips on your penis which has several nervous spasms ... and I get several long and generous splashes on the palate at the back of my throat, forcing me to swallow your semen. It is slightly salty, strange, special ... I frees my mouth and you m'asperges twice more, sending me your seed on my face.
continued ...
Remove Starter From Gp1200
A strange appointment
Sigismond13 propse me earlier this story:
You proceed to the place of rendezvous.
You check again the presence of the small key that I sent you by mail, the code number and instructions remembers you. Enter through the small gate at the bottom of the impasse, mount the 3rd and open the door down the hall to the left of the stairwell: sitting on the only chair in the small anteroom, which will be in the dark , do not move the chair, do not try to turn on the light.
It is a quarter, you press the step on the pavement wet. Your nipples rise sharply as a result of a gust of fresh wind. It is true that I asked you to wear a bra that leave black nipples visible and known as back-breasts: officially they are designed for plunging necklines very, but the spectacle of large areoles spilling out of a bra m'affole. You accelerate hard, but because the geisha balls that I asked you to wear restricting you. And start to like your sex seeping under the balls roll scholar, you advance with difficulty, especially since you do not wear panties, always at my request.
Finally you leave the boulevard and its stirring, engage you in a deadlock in a quiet almost rural, climbs the stairs, opens the door of the hall, and sit waiting for: it is 15h battery. Your eyes start to get used to the soothing darkness: You finished even distinguish the engravings on the walls and experience a profound trouble watching them. You think I recognize a scene where a woman is attached to an easel, blindfolded, a man is standing before her and holding a candle while another man rammed his cock in her mouth. On another burning a man, arms and legs spread is related to a vertical wheel, head down. He also blindfolded and gagged is further. 3 women around him, two dressed in basques corsets or the other completely nude. One has had a noose on the basis of sex, the other was preparing to kick his kids while the third approach to his buttocks apart a huge dildo, black, heavy, knotty, scary.
You're still under the spell of this scene when you hear the latch of the door when you turn back, open slowly. That's the signal. You gotta close your eyes and say nothing, as agreed. There you tied a blindfold over his eyes, you do recover, and guide you in the next room ....
My result:
It makes me sit down. Sounds like a bed. The person who took me did not say a word. Is it a man or a woman? I hear him dig into his pocket. Suddenly, m'attrappe right wrist. A little surprised and scared, I let myself despite everything. I feel that I spend a lot of stuff around the wrist. We then offer me his arm back and it attaches to the bed. Is then the same with my other arm. I am now thank you to anyone. I am scared but at the same time I have never been so excited. I wait without moving the events. I still feel a gentle warmth begins to flood my lower abdomen.
unknown hands begin to gently caress my hair, then down. It caresses my shoulders, arms. They are hands soft and firm at a time. These are the hands of men. It then descends on my breasts, but not linger and continue on my stomach, my hips, outside of my thighs. At each passage, I shudder. It is up on my breasts and caressed with the fingertips, drawing an imaginary spiral which converges slowly towards my nipple. Nipple, which I realize now, is cured by the excitement. Come on it, the man firmly grip and I let out a sigh of satisfaction ...
The following Sigismond13:
The dog gripped between the thumb and index finger is pinched harder and harder, and then twisted, stretched, twisted, the other nipple the same fate: the pain is exquisite and t puller squeaks interrupted by your gasps. You feel your belly at the same time to build, you shake your hips and swing the light rolls against each other the geisha balls that you hold still locked up in you multiplying the sensation that radiates your belly. Then hands temporarily abandon your breasts as the nipples just rested, but still turgid undergo a new bite: the alligator clips with pressure precisely measured, keeps them in the exact point of balance between pain and pleasure too cruel for you to forget, too soft to be unbearable.
Can you feel that you bind the pegs one after the other, just as we did for the wrists with a kind of scarf. Each anchor is attached to the bars and the bed, keeping your legs apart. The pain of the clamps on her nipples makes you forget the shameless part of your installation.
you were then removed gently geisha balls, wet and sticky, secret witnesses to your enjoyment. Hand walking balls all over your body, your thighs, your belly, leaving trails of the liquid spinning, signing your pleasure involuntary.
At this stage doors that you do your bra half-breasts, which makes the work of the nipples. Your jacket, your skirt and your blouse you were removed as soon as you enter the second room. The show that you can see for yourself is exciting at the highest point, and lying on his back, his eyes bandaged, legs apart, the thin black band under the bra breasts, your necklace, your jewelry. The
geisha balls on your breasts are now, waking the 2 pins that had chastened and under the contact of the balls heavy and sticky experience an erection immediately. Finally the balls arrive on your lips, you kiss them, lick the tip of the tongue, mouth wide open, both the slip. You are now gagged, choking, dripping ....
continued ...
Sigismond13 propse me earlier this story:
You proceed to the place of rendezvous.
You check again the presence of the small key that I sent you by mail, the code number and instructions remembers you. Enter through the small gate at the bottom of the impasse, mount the 3rd and open the door down the hall to the left of the stairwell: sitting on the only chair in the small anteroom, which will be in the dark , do not move the chair, do not try to turn on the light.
It is a quarter, you press the step on the pavement wet. Your nipples rise sharply as a result of a gust of fresh wind. It is true that I asked you to wear a bra that leave black nipples visible and known as back-breasts: officially they are designed for plunging necklines very, but the spectacle of large areoles spilling out of a bra m'affole. You accelerate hard, but because the geisha balls that I asked you to wear restricting you. And start to like your sex seeping under the balls roll scholar, you advance with difficulty, especially since you do not wear panties, always at my request.
Finally you leave the boulevard and its stirring, engage you in a deadlock in a quiet almost rural, climbs the stairs, opens the door of the hall, and sit waiting for: it is 15h battery. Your eyes start to get used to the soothing darkness: You finished even distinguish the engravings on the walls and experience a profound trouble watching them. You think I recognize a scene where a woman is attached to an easel, blindfolded, a man is standing before her and holding a candle while another man rammed his cock in her mouth. On another burning a man, arms and legs spread is related to a vertical wheel, head down. He also blindfolded and gagged is further. 3 women around him, two dressed in basques corsets or the other completely nude. One has had a noose on the basis of sex, the other was preparing to kick his kids while the third approach to his buttocks apart a huge dildo, black, heavy, knotty, scary.
You're still under the spell of this scene when you hear the latch of the door when you turn back, open slowly. That's the signal. You gotta close your eyes and say nothing, as agreed. There you tied a blindfold over his eyes, you do recover, and guide you in the next room ....
My result:
It makes me sit down. Sounds like a bed. The person who took me did not say a word. Is it a man or a woman? I hear him dig into his pocket. Suddenly, m'attrappe right wrist. A little surprised and scared, I let myself despite everything. I feel that I spend a lot of stuff around the wrist. We then offer me his arm back and it attaches to the bed. Is then the same with my other arm. I am now thank you to anyone. I am scared but at the same time I have never been so excited. I wait without moving the events. I still feel a gentle warmth begins to flood my lower abdomen.
unknown hands begin to gently caress my hair, then down. It caresses my shoulders, arms. They are hands soft and firm at a time. These are the hands of men. It then descends on my breasts, but not linger and continue on my stomach, my hips, outside of my thighs. At each passage, I shudder. It is up on my breasts and caressed with the fingertips, drawing an imaginary spiral which converges slowly towards my nipple. Nipple, which I realize now, is cured by the excitement. Come on it, the man firmly grip and I let out a sigh of satisfaction ...
The following Sigismond13:
The dog gripped between the thumb and index finger is pinched harder and harder, and then twisted, stretched, twisted, the other nipple the same fate: the pain is exquisite and t puller squeaks interrupted by your gasps. You feel your belly at the same time to build, you shake your hips and swing the light rolls against each other the geisha balls that you hold still locked up in you multiplying the sensation that radiates your belly. Then hands temporarily abandon your breasts as the nipples just rested, but still turgid undergo a new bite: the alligator clips with pressure precisely measured, keeps them in the exact point of balance between pain and pleasure too cruel for you to forget, too soft to be unbearable.
Can you feel that you bind the pegs one after the other, just as we did for the wrists with a kind of scarf. Each anchor is attached to the bars and the bed, keeping your legs apart. The pain of the clamps on her nipples makes you forget the shameless part of your installation.
you were then removed gently geisha balls, wet and sticky, secret witnesses to your enjoyment. Hand walking balls all over your body, your thighs, your belly, leaving trails of the liquid spinning, signing your pleasure involuntary.
At this stage doors that you do your bra half-breasts, which makes the work of the nipples. Your jacket, your skirt and your blouse you were removed as soon as you enter the second room. The show that you can see for yourself is exciting at the highest point, and lying on his back, his eyes bandaged, legs apart, the thin black band under the bra breasts, your necklace, your jewelry. The
geisha balls on your breasts are now, waking the 2 pins that had chastened and under the contact of the balls heavy and sticky experience an erection immediately. Finally the balls arrive on your lips, you kiss them, lick the tip of the tongue, mouth wide open, both the slip. You are now gagged, choking, dripping ....
continued ...
Recurrence Of Pancreatic Cancer After Whipple
Moby35 offered me the beginning of history:
I'm home and I wait for our first meeting. Suddenly someone knocks on the door, I open and you blindfold directly, without a word. I will taken to a room of the house, then I ask you to undress you slowly, very slowly, keeping only your underwear, it's hot in the room. I make you kneel and you begin to Ligotti hands in the back, you tremble but your mind is excited at the idea of finding you offered entirely powerless to resist ...
continued ...
The first meeting was a voyeur
An early history proposed by one of my correspondents:
It was some time that the had spotted the girl. It is his look shy and reserved as he pleased. He had followed him quietly and luckily he found a vantage point where he could see his entire room.
he had already been two or three times in the evening but had not managed to see her naked in her bedroom. By
cons tonight she was with a man much older and had already raised his hand twice on the thigh. She had rejected but without violence.
The man had taken the lead and felt he tried to lean his head toward his crotch. She resisted a few seconds and then let him do it ...
From where he stood he could see the stage. Man does not release the girl he stood firmly by the hair. She hung out and fly her sex.
He saw a tear from the eyes of the girl who tried to resist but just opened his mouth and swallowed the member while one felt that the man pushed him on the neck so it sucks more to background ....
The following Guppy:
From my observation, I never wanted more. Who could be that guy? and why it does not show more cooperative? Clearly, he used or abused the situation. I therefore expect to see more ...
Now firmly holding her neck, her head thrown back, to knees, trying to keep your mouth open up and he, with great blows of the kidney acts as if he had filed her of her pussy. His big cock was whenever butter deep inside her throat, making it have a high heart and strangle. She was on the verge of stifling but the guy still more violently, totally indifferent to what she endured. The ride lasted a few moments, ho! not very long but enough however to enjoy the type and ejaculates in her throat.
Obviously she was not consenting and suffered physically and mentally for this. I do not know what to think ... Of course the scene excited me, see what type forcing this young woman with such contempt. But such an attitude is not in my principles, and this time, my excitement is moderate.
While I'm here to daydream, I notice that the type was removed from the girl, still kneeling and hardly recovered from its near asphyxiation. But I also see that the type looks at me ... M! he saw me! and while I sketch a movement of withdrawal, I see that I made hand signs, as if asking me to join him. I am surprised! What should I do? What are his intentions? Then the girl tries to get up, and immediately, type it grabs the hair and the back plate to the floor to what remains kneeling, I see it seems to me sob.
During this stage, the type continued to give me signs of arm and hand and at her insistence, I finally agree to join me in saying that because I wanted to see, I'd be at the forefront and that if things went too far, may be I could help the girl.
After some research, I finally found an apartment, hit enter and hear me respond ...
continued ...
An early history proposed by one of my correspondents:
It was some time that the had spotted the girl. It is his look shy and reserved as he pleased. He had followed him quietly and luckily he found a vantage point where he could see his entire room.
he had already been two or three times in the evening but had not managed to see her naked in her bedroom. By
cons tonight she was with a man much older and had already raised his hand twice on the thigh. She had rejected but without violence.
The man had taken the lead and felt he tried to lean his head toward his crotch. She resisted a few seconds and then let him do it ...
From where he stood he could see the stage. Man does not release the girl he stood firmly by the hair. She hung out and fly her sex.
He saw a tear from the eyes of the girl who tried to resist but just opened his mouth and swallowed the member while one felt that the man pushed him on the neck so it sucks more to background ....
The following Guppy:
From my observation, I never wanted more. Who could be that guy? and why it does not show more cooperative? Clearly, he used or abused the situation. I therefore expect to see more ...
Now firmly holding her neck, her head thrown back, to knees, trying to keep your mouth open up and he, with great blows of the kidney acts as if he had filed her of her pussy. His big cock was whenever butter deep inside her throat, making it have a high heart and strangle. She was on the verge of stifling but the guy still more violently, totally indifferent to what she endured. The ride lasted a few moments, ho! not very long but enough however to enjoy the type and ejaculates in her throat.
Obviously she was not consenting and suffered physically and mentally for this. I do not know what to think ... Of course the scene excited me, see what type forcing this young woman with such contempt. But such an attitude is not in my principles, and this time, my excitement is moderate.
While I'm here to daydream, I notice that the type was removed from the girl, still kneeling and hardly recovered from its near asphyxiation. But I also see that the type looks at me ... M! he saw me! and while I sketch a movement of withdrawal, I see that I made hand signs, as if asking me to join him. I am surprised! What should I do? What are his intentions? Then the girl tries to get up, and immediately, type it grabs the hair and the back plate to the floor to what remains kneeling, I see it seems to me sob.
During this stage, the type continued to give me signs of arm and hand and at her insistence, I finally agree to join me in saying that because I wanted to see, I'd be at the forefront and that if things went too far, may be I could help the girl.
After some research, I finally found an apartment, hit enter and hear me respond ...
continued ...
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Brownie Cookie Sales Patch Placement
You are the son of my parents' friends. You spend the rest of your holiday with us. There is not much to do here lost in the countryside and you realize useful by storing the barn.
Beautiful and rebellious, cheerful and charming, I'm Emily and I am the daughter of the house.
While you take care of hay in the barn, you hear the old rotten wooden door squeak behind you. That's me! It's hot and I think we are well mieiux in the shade of the barn. I am wearing a light summer dress. My little breasts pointing you her nipples. Although I am home and it Magré I ask if I can stay here. You answer yes, then you return to your work while keeping an eye on me. I devour you look. It is hard for you to do anything. You tell me I'm beautiful today. I smile and wonder if you want to kiss me now. You who feels like a standard invincible in my eyes seductive, you do not know what to say and you look at me eagerly. You want to take away the dress floating in my body but you just do not even need. I do it myself and my dress falls to the ground without a sound. I approach you and t'empoigne by the belt. We lie in embracing us. You find that my skin feels warm bread. By offering I offer my mamelons.Je undo your pants and your underwear, belts you à fond. Je me colle à toi et me frotte contre ta verge dans un va et vient permanent. Tu me retournes sur le dos puis descends vers mon sexe. Tu retires ma culotte et tu te jettes sur mon orifice, origine de la vie, avec ta langue affamée...
Vous êtes inspirés pour écrire une suite ?
You are the son of my parents' friends. You spend the rest of your holiday with us. There is not much to do here lost in the countryside and you realize useful by storing the barn.

While you take care of hay in the barn, you hear the old rotten wooden door squeak behind you. That's me! It's hot and I think we are well mieiux in the shade of the barn. I am wearing a light summer dress. My little breasts pointing you her nipples. Although I am home and it Magré I ask if I can stay here. You answer yes, then you return to your work while keeping an eye on me. I devour you look. It is hard for you to do anything. You tell me I'm beautiful today. I smile and wonder if you want to kiss me now. You who feels like a standard invincible in my eyes seductive, you do not know what to say and you look at me eagerly. You want to take away the dress floating in my body but you just do not even need. I do it myself and my dress falls to the ground without a sound. I approach you and t'empoigne by the belt. We lie in embracing us. You find that my skin feels warm bread. By offering I offer my mamelons.Je undo your pants and your underwear, belts you à fond. Je me colle à toi et me frotte contre ta verge dans un va et vient permanent. Tu me retournes sur le dos puis descends vers mon sexe. Tu retires ma culotte et tu te jettes sur mon orifice, origine de la vie, avec ta langue affamée...
Vous êtes inspirés pour écrire une suite ?
Friday, February 4, 2005
Cheap Mime Dance Clothing
My daughter and her friend
Spooks m'a proposé ce début d'histoire :
...Un aprés midi, en plein été, alors que tu te trouves avec ma fille dans sa chambre comme à l'habitude, je rentre dans la chambre de ma fille pour une fois sans frapper ! Le spectacle que je découvre devant mes yeux ne m'est pas indiférrent, ma fille et you, are about to try underwear and when I track, you have that down both! I look embarrassed, but spectacle is too exciting, and I can not contain a lump in my pants as you notice both ... what bothers me a bit too! You do not look both embarrassed and you laugh and you whisper something in his ear and you continue to try other suits and would like grooves in front of me, putting yourself and wandering naked! ! I feel like you do on purpose, and I felt the bump that swells more in my pants, and I want to go out to please me, and that's where you come my meeting with my daughter ...
after me:
You stand still while your daughter and I enlevont your shirt. Your heart beats so hard that you thought you gonna pass out. We remove your boxers and your sex sprung. Your daughter and kiss you gently glide to the ear that everything is fine. You take your girl's waist and kissed her tenderly. You
luis said: "I love you so"
Your daughter sits on the bed and straddles:
"Come on Dad, and eat my pussy"
pouffons We both laugh. You kneel upon the floor opposite the bed. You caress her legs and kissed her just above the knee, slowly you progress towards her pussy. You begin to lick around her anus, you explore her wet pussy with your tongue. You tickle her clitoris gave her as big as a small acorn. You begin to eat the pussy of your daughter. You lick the length. I position myself on the face of your daughter for me to eat pussy too.
The breath of your girl wins my intimate lips, mouth and landed on my vulva. It's wonderful. I can not describe what is happening. I wet more and more, and I understand that your daughter is drinking my chalice directly to anything I offer him. His tongue caressing my labia before going to dwell on my bud of love that do not expect that. His tongue finally gets me to my great pleasure and I wet more and more.
When you feel it's coming, you cease to tickle her clit. You start to suck the milky skin of her beautiful little breasts.
"Do not stop!" Is she begging you.
It pushes your head towards her pussy. You do that again to take care of her clit. After a few minutes, she seized pinning your hair your lips against her clit. You gently took her clit between your teeth while you lightly touch of your tongue. It ressere her thighs on your face and love juices start to flow. In my turn, I feel a violent spasm over me and my whole being vibrates. You lick greedily every drop of juice to the last love of your daughter inside her pink hole as she did the same with me.
We lie in bed under the duvet. We invite you to join us in tapping the bed. You join us. We welcome you between us and put our heads on your chest. Your sex drive. I take your member in my hand and starts to masturbate firmly. I stroke your testicles. Suddenly we remove the duvet and you feel your daughter identify your foreskin. His mouth began to suck your penis. We observessucer you turn your sex. You do not t'arde to notify us that you are about to come. While we offer our kissing mouths to jouisses you inside. Your penis is between our two mouths. Your sperm flows between our lips and our chins. We continue to suck and lick your cock until every drop of semen is meticulously cleaned. Finally, we get up and lick your cum on each face and neck of another.
we lay again in the same bed with your daughter and I head on your chest. You feel the warmth of our bodies against the wishes while thinking that you should be the luckiest man in the world right now. You're nodding. Half awake, half asleep, you feel your cock harder than I ever have. When you entrouves eyes, I'm still extended to your side with my head on your chest. Your daughter is riding on you trying to s'empaller on your sex.
Your daughter is asking a bit more weight on your sex and your penis suddenly passes between his lips. You feel her hymen as an impenetrable barrier that tucommences to drive slowly. Tears formed at the corner of the eye of your daughter and suddenly your conscience bothering you.
"Honey, I love you, you do not need to do this if you want you can stop now."
"I want to fuck you dad, help me" before you
its size and the position you gently on your sex thick. I knelt beside your daughter and begins to relieve it. Suddenly you judge that her hymen is willing to give your sex and disappears completely inside of your daughter. Traces of blood ooze from his well of love. Your daughter covers you moving slow. You take his head in your hands and kiss his lips
"I love you so much my angel"
"I did it Dad, I have your cock in me"
You kiss him again. Your daughter is still planted on your sex. Slowly you begin to come and go in it. Of your hand, you dismiss my legs and started to kiss me in your finger. Your daughter is impaled on your cock as you watched it disappear into her womb. You're happy and guilty of both. You're trying to make love to your daughter and you had never thought about that before. I land on your face while your daughter is sitting on your cock and I stroked her soft young breasts. You suck and gently bite my clit. You masturbate the clit of your daughter between the forefinger and thumb. We all come at once. Pussy virgin your daughter clings tightly around your cock, and my juices flowing intimately in your mouth. You cum deep into your daughter panicking and wondering if she took seriously his pill. I lay my head on the pillow next to yours, while your daughter collapses on you. You take his head in your hands and you kiss him.
"Ca va?"
"Very good" answers your daughter.
The rest of Spooks:
As she gets dressed, I keep thinking of her stellar sperm pussy juice and I just love to lick with such delights as if I suck a mirror!
But the spirit of guilt overtakes me less because I see that my daughter is a real little slut and she loves to get fucked even by his father!
While my daughter back down, I hear the bell that rang out: "there is someone at the door darling," and she replied: "Yes I know, my darling" when speaking of you, Malaury!
And suddenly, before it opens, a question comes to mind: "You are my darling with bi Malaury or the last time it was just the opportunity you've tried when it was at three? "
"No Dad, it's been that Malaury my pussy licking me, and I like it"
It will open the door and then returned Malaury.
"Good evening sir," said Malaury, very politely with a smirk, remembering the last time, and I reply, "Good evening Malaury", making him a kiss on the sketch she plays in bringing it on the lip!
Malaury put the package tonight, her perfume smells so good that I can not stop to fix it and find it has a very short mini skirt and when she sits down, she lets her express spread eagle with her white thong under her skirt in fuschia.
I band more, while my daughter and Malaury are side by side, I suddenly see spirits start to caress over their clothes.
They start kissing lustily by rolling the language in every sense and they look at me both like two rabid dogs.
I begin by trying to slip away from the action out of respect and awareness, but my daughter and Malaury who understood the trick, I blocked their heights. Malaury me drop my pants and plaque on the chair. She released my cock very hard and shoves in the mouth.
She pumps sting like a bitch, while I see that my daughter goes back to the floor! I asked what she did and she replied: "Do not worry papouney, I am back! We will handle your case tonight!"
The little bitch, I thought that my daughter was a little saint! Malaury continues tirelessly to pump me and suddenly I feel a little finger full of saliva into my anus. I'm going to remove his finger, but it's true that I begin to appreciate and do and I let myself go completely.
I hear the footsteps of my daughter on the stairs, and I turn my head to see him and asks what she is going to do, and amazement, I see in his hands, a dildo with a penis and external two dildos molded latex panties, including anal and vaginal another. She also took a small box with dildos, vibrators, plugs, inside and vaseline!
Malaury me put two fingers in my little hole while I'm still stunned, and she is still pumping so wonderfully!
My daughter tells me, looking Malaury, "We'll take care of you my little papouney and especially your little ass" She glances at Malaury accomplice, who turns the tongue licking his lips ...
continued ...
Spooks m'a proposé ce début d'histoire :
...Un aprés midi, en plein été, alors que tu te trouves avec ma fille dans sa chambre comme à l'habitude, je rentre dans la chambre de ma fille pour une fois sans frapper ! Le spectacle que je découvre devant mes yeux ne m'est pas indiférrent, ma fille et you, are about to try underwear and when I track, you have that down both! I look embarrassed, but spectacle is too exciting, and I can not contain a lump in my pants as you notice both ... what bothers me a bit too! You do not look both embarrassed and you laugh and you whisper something in his ear and you continue to try other suits and would like grooves in front of me, putting yourself and wandering naked! ! I feel like you do on purpose, and I felt the bump that swells more in my pants, and I want to go out to please me, and that's where you come my meeting with my daughter ...
after me:
You stand still while your daughter and I enlevont your shirt. Your heart beats so hard that you thought you gonna pass out. We remove your boxers and your sex sprung. Your daughter and kiss you gently glide to the ear that everything is fine. You take your girl's waist and kissed her tenderly. You
luis said: "I love you so"
Your daughter sits on the bed and straddles:
"Come on Dad, and eat my pussy"
pouffons We both laugh. You kneel upon the floor opposite the bed. You caress her legs and kissed her just above the knee, slowly you progress towards her pussy. You begin to lick around her anus, you explore her wet pussy with your tongue. You tickle her clitoris gave her as big as a small acorn. You begin to eat the pussy of your daughter. You lick the length. I position myself on the face of your daughter for me to eat pussy too.
The breath of your girl wins my intimate lips, mouth and landed on my vulva. It's wonderful. I can not describe what is happening. I wet more and more, and I understand that your daughter is drinking my chalice directly to anything I offer him. His tongue caressing my labia before going to dwell on my bud of love that do not expect that. His tongue finally gets me to my great pleasure and I wet more and more.
When you feel it's coming, you cease to tickle her clit. You start to suck the milky skin of her beautiful little breasts.
"Do not stop!" Is she begging you.
It pushes your head towards her pussy. You do that again to take care of her clit. After a few minutes, she seized pinning your hair your lips against her clit. You gently took her clit between your teeth while you lightly touch of your tongue. It ressere her thighs on your face and love juices start to flow. In my turn, I feel a violent spasm over me and my whole being vibrates. You lick greedily every drop of juice to the last love of your daughter inside her pink hole as she did the same with me.
We lie in bed under the duvet. We invite you to join us in tapping the bed. You join us. We welcome you between us and put our heads on your chest. Your sex drive. I take your member in my hand and starts to masturbate firmly. I stroke your testicles. Suddenly we remove the duvet and you feel your daughter identify your foreskin. His mouth began to suck your penis. We observessucer you turn your sex. You do not t'arde to notify us that you are about to come. While we offer our kissing mouths to jouisses you inside. Your penis is between our two mouths. Your sperm flows between our lips and our chins. We continue to suck and lick your cock until every drop of semen is meticulously cleaned. Finally, we get up and lick your cum on each face and neck of another.
we lay again in the same bed with your daughter and I head on your chest. You feel the warmth of our bodies against the wishes while thinking that you should be the luckiest man in the world right now. You're nodding. Half awake, half asleep, you feel your cock harder than I ever have. When you entrouves eyes, I'm still extended to your side with my head on your chest. Your daughter is riding on you trying to s'empaller on your sex.
Your daughter is asking a bit more weight on your sex and your penis suddenly passes between his lips. You feel her hymen as an impenetrable barrier that tucommences to drive slowly. Tears formed at the corner of the eye of your daughter and suddenly your conscience bothering you.
"Honey, I love you, you do not need to do this if you want you can stop now."
"I want to fuck you dad, help me" before you
its size and the position you gently on your sex thick. I knelt beside your daughter and begins to relieve it. Suddenly you judge that her hymen is willing to give your sex and disappears completely inside of your daughter. Traces of blood ooze from his well of love. Your daughter covers you moving slow. You take his head in your hands and kiss his lips
"I love you so much my angel"
"I did it Dad, I have your cock in me"
You kiss him again. Your daughter is still planted on your sex. Slowly you begin to come and go in it. Of your hand, you dismiss my legs and started to kiss me in your finger. Your daughter is impaled on your cock as you watched it disappear into her womb. You're happy and guilty of both. You're trying to make love to your daughter and you had never thought about that before. I land on your face while your daughter is sitting on your cock and I stroked her soft young breasts. You suck and gently bite my clit. You masturbate the clit of your daughter between the forefinger and thumb. We all come at once. Pussy virgin your daughter clings tightly around your cock, and my juices flowing intimately in your mouth. You cum deep into your daughter panicking and wondering if she took seriously his pill. I lay my head on the pillow next to yours, while your daughter collapses on you. You take his head in your hands and you kiss him.
"Ca va?"
"Very good" answers your daughter.

The rest of Spooks:
As she gets dressed, I keep thinking of her stellar sperm pussy juice and I just love to lick with such delights as if I suck a mirror!
But the spirit of guilt overtakes me less because I see that my daughter is a real little slut and she loves to get fucked even by his father!
While my daughter back down, I hear the bell that rang out: "there is someone at the door darling," and she replied: "Yes I know, my darling" when speaking of you, Malaury!
And suddenly, before it opens, a question comes to mind: "You are my darling with bi Malaury or the last time it was just the opportunity you've tried when it was at three? "
"No Dad, it's been that Malaury my pussy licking me, and I like it"
It will open the door and then returned Malaury.
"Good evening sir," said Malaury, very politely with a smirk, remembering the last time, and I reply, "Good evening Malaury", making him a kiss on the sketch she plays in bringing it on the lip!
Malaury put the package tonight, her perfume smells so good that I can not stop to fix it and find it has a very short mini skirt and when she sits down, she lets her express spread eagle with her white thong under her skirt in fuschia.
I band more, while my daughter and Malaury are side by side, I suddenly see spirits start to caress over their clothes.
They start kissing lustily by rolling the language in every sense and they look at me both like two rabid dogs.
I begin by trying to slip away from the action out of respect and awareness, but my daughter and Malaury who understood the trick, I blocked their heights. Malaury me drop my pants and plaque on the chair. She released my cock very hard and shoves in the mouth.
She pumps sting like a bitch, while I see that my daughter goes back to the floor! I asked what she did and she replied: "Do not worry papouney, I am back! We will handle your case tonight!"
The little bitch, I thought that my daughter was a little saint! Malaury continues tirelessly to pump me and suddenly I feel a little finger full of saliva into my anus. I'm going to remove his finger, but it's true that I begin to appreciate and do and I let myself go completely.
I hear the footsteps of my daughter on the stairs, and I turn my head to see him and asks what she is going to do, and amazement, I see in his hands, a dildo with a penis and external two dildos molded latex panties, including anal and vaginal another. She also took a small box with dildos, vibrators, plugs, inside and vaseline!
Malaury me put two fingers in my little hole while I'm still stunned, and she is still pumping so wonderfully!
My daughter tells me, looking Malaury, "We'll take care of you my little papouney and especially your little ass" She glances at Malaury accomplice, who turns the tongue licking his lips ...
continued ...
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